Evolution Learning Post Secondary Power-Up

Prep Course®

A Step-By-Step Course to Help Grade 10-12 Students Launch Their Career With Confidence Before They Graduate.

Our goal is for every student to truly feel prepared and with a direction before they graduate.

This course will do that.

500+ Students & Counting...

Ethan.C, Grade: 12

School : St. Francis High School

Result: "The best part about the course is having direct access to industry experts and information that allows me the opportunity to make decisions on my own terms. Thank you Evolution Learning!"

Taha.K, Grade 11

School: Seton High School

Result: "Before this course I was stuck and did not know what I wanted to do after high school or who to turn to and that put a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I walked out of this course with a direction!"


School: Lord Beaver Brook

Result: "Finally a course that supported and helped me prepare for graduation which made me less stressed and anxious. High School is tough but I finally had confidence that things were going to go the right way."


School: William Aberhart High

Result: "The team and course with Evolution Learning made me feel like they ACTUALLY cared about me and my future. They teach you real life concepts that can be applied immediately!"


School: John G. Diefenbaker

Result: "Until I took this course I didn't really know myself. I had troubles figuring out what im interested in and what im good at. I didn't know what paths I could take after high school and felt like I was walking blind."


School: William Aberhart

Result: "I am so appreciative of the Evolution Learning program and the value that it has provided for me and my future. There is nothing like it! I am thankful to finally move in a direction on my own terms."

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Module 1

Self discovery and awareness is the first step towards finding a direction that fits you. In this section you will learn more about yourself and what matters to you so that you can connect education to a career path that fits personally fits you.

Module 2

Once you have a better understanding of your interests, we can start to synthesize this with external research. It is important to research post secondary careers, and programs and evaluate how the many options fit into your personal road map.

Module 3

This section is where all the magic happens! We integrate the previous two sections with a grade calculator and pros and cons analysis to allow you the opportunity to critically analyze and prioritize your options. Lean into your decision with confidence!



“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s inevitable that no matter how young or how old we are, we get repeatedly asked the same question. For some of us, this question will trigger us to dream about the endless possibilities and opportunities ahead of us. However, for the majority of us, this question imposes an incredible burden: to either admit we just don’t know and fear facing judgements from others or be pressured into choosing a life that we might not desire.
For parents and educators listening, we ask you: “have you become what you wanted to be now that you are “grown up”?” How do you feel if you still don’t know? More importantly, how did you feel when you were asked this 10 or 20 years ago?
The truth is that some of us don’t know the answer. The bigger truth: a lot of us don’t even know how to find the answer, so how do we help ourselves find direction and purpose if we don’t know?
We understand that post high school decisions are tough which is why our course is specifically designed to guide students through this difficult time successfully.


Nothing is more important to us than helping you find your direction in life and being confident in answering the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”. At the end of the day we all want to live life with purpose, not just any life, but our own life.
Whether you want to develop your leadership skills as an alumni or discover your direction as a student. At Evolution Learning Academy we are here for you.


Simply put, this course helps students, parents and families save both time and money in the short and long term when making decisions after high school. This course allows you to connect with an area of study and focus that you truly find passion in. The best part is that all of the research links and website information that is required will be provided at your fingertips readily available for you. Which leaves the fun part with you! 

This course is packed with information to answer tough questions such as:

How can I protect myself and ensure I do not switch programs multiple times?
What programs match my strengths, weaknesses, interests and will set me up for a career that fits me? 
What grades do I need and what happens if I don't receive the grades that are required?
How will I fund each my post secondary education and take advantage of scholarships?
What are the pros and cons of each college, university and programs? 

By the end of this course YOU WILL be able to answer one of the toughest questions out there. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

About Your Instructors

Sam and Amanda are reformed CPA/CMA accountants that have dedicated their time to helping reshape the education industry by pioneering Evolution Learning. Evolution Learning provides educational tutoring and mentorship services across North America. Our vision is to create a world sustained by people working towards their passion. Our courses help with the first step. Becoming self sustaining and independent individuals. We hope you enjoy learning with us!

Course Information

Here's What's Included In Our Evolution Learning Power-Up Prep Course®

Our Evolution Learning Power-Up Prep course® was built with the aspiring student at focus. If you are about to or recently graduated high school and are looking to move towards a post high school direction with confidence, this course is for you.

Select a pricing plan and sign up